Author: The Wildfire Project
Feedback Skills
Time: 1hr 45 mins to 3 hrs
- Invest in one another’s leadership
- Practice a method for giving and receiving direct, honest feedback
- Support each other’s growth horizontally, outside of usual ‘management’ lines
- Surface growth barriers folks might be unaware of
- Offer affirmation and admiration
- Strengthen the group
Small Groups - We recommend arranging the small groups (of 3 people per group) thoughtfully beforehand. Ideal groups are made up of people who work together directly and/or have enough experience together to give grounded feedback.
Time - This activity can go anywhere from 1 hour and 45 minutes to 3 hours. Based on the amount of time you have in that window, time out each section of the activity to make sure it fits. Having to end before feedback is complete is never fun.
1. Break into Small Groups (5 minutes)
3 people per group
2. On their own, each person journals (20-30 minutes)
- About self
Ways my leadership style is powerful
Ways my leadership style holds me back or gets in the way
- About each of the other two people
Ways your leadership styles gets in the way
3. In small groups (60-90 minutes)
Decide how you’ll keep time, making sure each person gets the same amount (20-30
minutes recommended per person). And decide who’s going first.
Person 1 shares their self-assessment first, then the other two people share their
feedback for person 1.
Folks can take notes for themselves, ask questions, get clarity, etc. Push yourselves
and each other to be clear and direct. Try not to guess people’s motivations. Focus
on the things you know--behaviors and impacts.
Repeat until all three people have had a turn (self-assessment, followed by peer
4. Journal on your own (5 minutes)
What do you want to remember from these feedback circles?
What are your top-line thoughts about how to integrate/act on the feedback you
Anything else you want to capture.
5. Optional: Full group closing (15-20 minutes)
How was that?
What stood out to you?
Are there any lessons for our group in this activity?
This tool was created by Michael Strom for The Wildfire Project, and has been made public under the Creative Commons license. Feel free to use, with credit. Please let us know if you’ve used it by emailing More tools available at